Make a game with GPT-4


  1. write p5.js code for Asteroids where you control a spaceship with the mouse and shoot asteroids with the left click of the mouse. If your spaceship collides with an asteroid, you lose. If you shoot down all asteroids, you win! I want to use my own textures for the spaceship and for asteroids.

    My textures are 512 x 512 px. Make sure to resize them in code to fit the game.

  2. asteroid prompt: "asteroid, single object, game asset, sci fi ship, items, rpg, d&d, dungeons and dragons, pathfinder, diablo, item sprite, icon, polished, 3d render, high quality, premium, unreal engine, medieval, amazing detail, high fantasy"

    spaceship prompt: "spaceship, single object, game asset, sci fi ship, items, rpg, d&d, dungeons and dragons, pathfinder, diablo, item sprite, icon, polished, 3d render, high quality, premium, unreal engine, medieval, amazing detail, high fantasy"

    galaxy prompt: "green nebula galaxy background, blurry --ar 3:2"

  3. (optional)

    To learn a bit of programming write these prompts to GPT-4: "Act as my programming teacher. Tell me an algorithm of Asteroids game in detail and make names of functions and explain what each of these functions will do. Don't write the code just yet." and then " Can you describe the algorithm overall for a 10-year-old child"

  4. Ask GPT-4 to write comments after every line of code to understand it better